👤Author Name: Dorin GarofeanuAffiliation: Cercetător Științific III, Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”Contact: dgarofeanu@hotmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: GAROFEANU, Dorin. ”The liminal season: the image of spring in Greek and Latin literature”. În RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 406-416. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.33Title: THE LIMINAL SEASON: THE IMAGE OF SPRING IN GREEK AND LATIN LITERATUREPages: 406-416Language: EnglishURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/33_D_Garofeanu.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.33 Abstract: This article attempts an investigation of the numerous references to spring made by the Ancient Greek and Latin authors in order to offer a more precise understanding of what this season meant for the ancient world. After establishing the temporal frame to which these references allude, a short description of the vernal festivals offers a glimpse of the positive and negative associations of the season that will pervade the references to spring made by the ancient writers. The material investigated reveals that spring was seen as a period of renewal and rebirth, but also as a time fraught with anxiety and worry. Spring is a liminal period of the year, a time of hope and purification, of beauty, fertility and joyous celebration, but also a time of ambiguity and danger. Spring is unpredictable and characterised by an…
👤Author Name: Alexandra CiocârlieAffiliation: C.S. II, Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”Contact: aciocarlie@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra. „O rescriere a Odiseei: Luigi Malerba, Itaca per sempre”. În RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 398-405. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.32Titlul: O RESCRIERE A ODISEEI: LUIGI MALERBA, ITACA PER SEMPRETitle: A REWRITING OF THE ODYSSEY: LUIGI MALERBA, ITACA PER SEMPREPages: 398-405Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/32_A_Ciocarlie.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.32 Abstract: Luigi Malerba’s novel Ithaca forever, a rewriting of the second part of the Odyssey, presents what happened in Ithaca after Ulysses’ return from the perspective of the protagonist and his wife in the form of contrasting alternative monologues. Interested in the borderline between truth and lies, in the relationship between reality and fiction, between life and art, the author depicts the recognition of Ulysses by those close to him as a complex game of masks, in which the characters in the foreground assume a role without fully controlling it. Keywords: epic poem, modern novel, rewriting, Malerba, Homer. Bibliography Entanaclaz, Agathe. Les Métamorphoses dʼUlysse. Réecritures de lʼOdyssée, Flammarion, Paris, 2003. Genette, Gérard. Palimpsestes. La littérature au second degré, Seuil, Paris, 1982. Homer. Odiseea. Traducere de George Murnu. studiu introductiv și note de D.M. Pippidi, București:…
👤Author Name: Liviu BordașAffiliation: Colegiul Noua Europă, BucureștiContact: liviubordas@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BORDAȘ, Liviu. „Proiectul american interbelic al lui Mircea Eliade”. În RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 385-397. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.31Titlul: PROIECTUL AMERICAN INTERBELIC AL LUI MIRCEA ELIADETitle: MIRCEA ELIADE’S INTERWAR AMERICAN PROJECTPages: 385-397Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/31_L_Bordas.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.31 Abstract: In his first year spent in India, 1929, Mircea Eliade nurtured two projects related to America, which remained unaccomplished. On the one hand, he was planning a long return trip to his homeland, which would pass through the United States. On the other hand, he considered obtaining a teaching position in an American university, the first target being Harvard. This early American project – hitherto unexplored – becomes symbolic in the perspective of Eliade’s subsequent evolution and choices. Decades later, as a professor at the University of Chicago, he turned down an invitation to occupy a chair at Harvard, which offered him far better conditions and opportunities than those in Chicago. We present here the first results of an ongoing research that tries to clarify all the details related to the young Eliade’s American project. Keywords: American universities, Harvard, Geneva, India, interwar Romania, Communist Romania, History of Religions, George…
👤Author Name: Ștefan FiricăAffiliation: Lector univ. dr., Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din BucureștiContact: stefanfirica@ litere.unibuc.ro Name: Alexandru FarcașAffiliation: C.ș. III, Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”, Academia RomânăContact: alexfarcas74@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: FIRICĂ, Ștefan; FARCAȘ, Alexandru. „Const. Meletie/ B. Fundoianu, cronicar teatral, plastic și literar în adolescență”. În RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 233-264. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.22Titlul: CONST. MELETIE/ B. FUNDOIANU, CRONICAR TEATRAL, PLASTIC ȘI LITERAR ÎN ADOLESCENȚĂTitle: CONST. MELETIE/B. FUNDOIANU, CHRONICLER OF THEATRE, ART COLUMNIST AND BOOK REVIEWER AS A TEENAGERPages: 233-264Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/22_S_Firica_A_Farcas.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.22 Excerpt: Avântat, uneori patetic, alteori de un umor casant ce îl prefigurează pe Eugen Ionescu (mai ales în cronicile teatrale), Const. Meletie/ B. Fundoianu arată, deja, în textele sale din 1915-1916 acea uluitoare disponibilitate pentru toate laturile actului artistic care îl va defini până în 1944. În grupajul de mai jos, am selectat o parte dintre contribuțiile sale la cotidianul „Rampa nouă și ilustrată”, din anii 1915-1916. (Ș.F.)
👤Author Name: Ștefan LemnyAffiliation: Bibliothèque nationale de FranceContact: stlemny@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: LEMNY, Ștefan. „Dimitrie Cantemir de la un centenar la altul”. În RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 184-198. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.19Titlul: DIMITRIE CANTEMIR DE LA UN CENTENAR LA ALTULTitle: DIMITRIE CANTEMIR, FROM ONE CENTENARY TO ANOTHERPages: 184-198Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/19_S_Lemny.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.19 Abstract: Occasioned by the proclamation of the Year of Cantemir, the present study aims to follow how the knowledge of Dimitrie Cantemir’s work has been reconfigured from one century to another and from one “centenary” of his birth to another. The editing of his writings, their exegesis, the dimensions of cultural institutionalization, as well as other aspects related to the reception of his work and biography are systematically followed, depending on the agenda of each political regime and the priorities of each epoch that naturally selects a Cantemir’ “of its own’’; the approach thus contributes to the creation of a multifaceted profile of the illustrious Moldovan and European voivode and scholar. Whether it be the historical and philosophical recovery, the literary and musical one, the fictional images in prose and cinematography or the political implications, the Cantemirian image is continuously enriched, amplifying the potential of interest…
👤Author Name: Valeriu MateiAffiliation: Membru de onoare al Academiei Române, Membru corespondent al Academiei de Științe a MoldoveiContact: valeriumatei@yahoo.ca 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MATEI, Valeriu. „Probleme de cantemirologie”. În: RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 160-183. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.18Titlul: PROBLEME DE CANTEMIROLOGIETitle: CANTEMIROLOGY ISSUESPages: 160-183Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/18_V_Matei.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.18 Abstract: In this article are highlighted the main achievements of generations of researchers of Dimitrie Cantemir’s life and work, which have succeeded during three centuries since the passing of the great encyclopaedist and scholar, writer, historian, philosopher, geographer, cartographer, ethnologist, composer and musician. At the same time, there are mentioned the controversial issues related to the biography of the scholar, from the origin of his family, the place of birth, to the less known periods of his life (for example, being in Istanbul in 1688 (1689) – 1691), including his relations with various personalities of his time, also the biographies of his descendants. The author also addresses the many issues related to the genesis and publication of Cantemirian works, the need to edit the complete works of D. Cantemir, which would include the original texts and his correspondence. Keywords: cantemirology, Enlightenment, genealogy, Romanianism, encyclopaedism, Orientalism. Bibliography 1. The History of the…
👤Author Name: Florentina NicolaeAffiliation: Profesor universitar dr., Universitatea Ovidius din ConstanțaContact: florentinanicolae.ovidius@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: NICOLAE, Florentina, „Consideraţii referitoare la recentele ediții critice de text latinesc ale operelor lui Dimitrie Cantemir”. În: RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, 154-159. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.17Titlul: CONSIDERAŢII REFERITOARE LA RECENTELE EDIȚII CRITICE DE TEXT LATINESC ALE OPERELOR LUI DIMITRIE CANTEMIRTitle: PERSPECTIVES ON THE RECENT CRITICAL EDITIONS OF THE LATIN WORKS OF DIMITRIE CANTEMIRPages: 154-159Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/17_F_Nicolae.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.17 Abstract: This paper aims to emphasize the role of the late Professor Eugen Simion in stimulating research on the works of Dimitrie Cantemir, thus continuing the first project of the Romanian Academy. His project started in 2003, with the republication of the Romanian works of the Prince, and continued between 2014 and 2020, bringing to the public new editions and new translations. This paper will also underline some of the discoveries regarding Cantemir’s bibliography, such as the impact of the compilation Machumetis Saracenorum principis eiusque successorum vitae ac doctrina ipseque Alcoran (1543) or of the works by Petrus Berchorius, Petrus Galtruchius, Nicephoros Blemmidas etc. These critical editions could stimulate future research on Cantemir’s intense and diverse scientific works. Keywords: Dimitrie Cantemir, Eugen Simion, bibliography, critical editions,…
👤Author Name: Viorel ComanAffiliation: C.S. II, Muzeul Brăilei „Carol I”Contact: viorelmortu@yahoo.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: COMAN, Viorel. „Eugen Simion – insigne la reverul operelor literare”. În: RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, 147-153. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.16Titlul: EUGEN SIMION – INSIGNE LA REVERUL OPERELOR LITERARETitle: EUGEN SIMION – BADGES ON THE LAPEL OF LITERARY WORKSPages: 147-153Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/16_V_Coman.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.16 Abstract: This article refers, on the one hand, to the laborious activity of Eugen Simion in the field of criticism and literary history from his debut until 1989, materialized in the series Romanian Writers of Today (1974-1989), and, on the other hand, aims to reveal the passionate manner in which Eugen Simion was involved, from the date mentioned above, in several visionary projects, among which are the facsimilation of Eminescu’s Notebooks, the Chronology of the Romanian Literary Life (1944-2012), the General Dictionary of Romanian Literature (8 vols) and the coordination of the Fundamental Works collection (also known as the Pléiade Collection) from which over 300 volumes appeared. Last but not least, the author of this article extracts from the work of Eugen Simion a series of memorable quotes, which he considers, in a symbolic way, “badges on the lapel of his books”….
👤Author Name: Nicoleta IfrimAffiliation: Profesor universitar dr., Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din GalațiContact: nicoleta.ifrim@ugal.ro 📄Article Citation Recommendation: IFRIM, Nicoleta, „Eugen Simion – confesiune și ipostaze identitare în «cartea vorbită» – În ariergarda avangardei (2012)”. În: RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 142-146. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.15Titlul: EUGEN SIMION – CONFESIUNE ȘI IPOSTAZE IDENTITARE ÎN „CARTEA VORBITĂ” – ÎN ARIERGARDA AVANGARDEI (2012)Title: EUGEN SIMION – CONFESSION AND IDENTITY-FOCUSED PROFILES IN THE „SPOKEN BOOK” – ÎN ARIERGARDA AVANGARDEI (2012)Pages: 142-146Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/15_N_Ifrim.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.15 Abstract: Published in 2012, În ariergarda avangardei [In the Rearguard of the Vanguard] displays an identity-focused discourse framed by the narrative interview formulae, within which the two voices in dialogue, Eugen Simion and Andrei Grigor, approach such issues as contemporary literature, Romanian culture, books and their authors. In its essence, the writing displays a confessing mechanism by means of which the two literary critics’ existences intermingle to generate a seducing confession about Life and Literature. In the end, Eugen Simion’s aesthetic credo is pointed out so as to express his critical perspective on literature itself. Keywords: Eugen Simion, Andrei Grigor, „spoken book”, narrative interview, scriptural identity. Bibliography Dufoix, Stéphane, La dispersion. Une histoire des usages du mot diaspora,…
👤Author Name: Zamfir BălanAffiliation: C.Ș. I, Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române, BucureștiContact: zamfir.balan@gmail.com 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BĂLAN, Zamfir. „Eugen Simion – opinii privind editarea operei lui Panait Istrati”. În: RITL, New Series, XVII, No 1-4, January-December 2023, p. 135-141. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.14Titlul: EUGEN SIMION – OPINII PRIVIND EDITAREA OPEREI LUI PANAIT ISTRATITitle: EUGEN SIMION – CONSIDERATIONS ON EDITING PANAIT ISTRATI’S WORKPages: 135-141Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2023/14_Z_Balan.pdfDOI: 10.59277/ritl.2023.17.14 Abstract: In the collection entitled Opere fundamentale (Fundamental Works), initiated and coordinated by Eugen Simion for more than two decades, two editions are dedicated to Panait Istrati: the first one, consisting of two volumes, entitled Povestiri, romane (Stories, Novels), published in 2003, was edited by Teodor Vârgolici; the second one, edited by Zamfir Bălan, is intended to have eight volumes, four of which have already been published (literature, I-II, 2019; III-IV, 2021), two are being prepared for print (journalistic writings), while the last two volumes (correspondence) are in progress. The Introduction signed by Eugen Simion (revisited and completed, for the 2019 edition) reiterates – even if the discussion may have seemed completed since the ‘60s – the issue of whether the writer who debuted, in 1924, with Kyra Kyralina in the Rieder collection Contemporary French Writers…