The review for Literary History and Theory


December 15, 2013


Name: Gabriela E. Dima
Affiliation: Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi


Citation Recommendation: DIMA, Gabriela E. „«Cântecul lui Ienăchiţă» redactat în neogreacă. Izvoare şi răspândire”. In: RITL, New Series, VII, No. 1-4, January-December 2013, p. 117–127
Pages: 117–127
Language: Romanian

Abstract: Ienăchiţă Văcărescu is considered to be the author of verses in Greek that were included in some travel book about Greece in his time. We detailed the circulation of these verses, following them through the editions of such books in French, German, English and Italian. Thus, we could update the avalable information, inevitably incomplete because of the difficuties faced by previous researchers in consulting the actual books it they were included in. Moreover, we tried to identify the inspiration sources of the poet in the composition of the poem ̝ δυστυχίαις πόλεµω, starting from the first hypotheses offered by the first commenter of the verses, who focused on the main motif in the poem, namely that of the man caught in a tempest at sea. The incursion in the history of this motif leads to the conclusion that Ienăchiţă’s poem is more complex than his predecessors as he also uses the allegory ship – soul, that is not present in Ancient poetry. Such allegory is however frequent in Petrarch and his followers. As a consequence, it would be possible to consider the Italian poet, undoubtably known by Ienăchiţă’s, as a source of the ideas in Με δυστυχίαις πόλεµω, especially if we consider it as produced during the youth of the Wallachian boyar.

Keywords: Ienăchiţă Văcărescu, Greek verses, poetic motives, ship allegory, influences


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