Name: Alexandra Ciocârlie
Affiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române
Citation Recommendation: CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra. „Horaţiu şi Augustus”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 399-410.
Pages: 399-410
Language: Romanian
URL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2018/1-4/27_A_Ciocarlie.pdf
Abstract: The relationship between Horace and Augustus changes over time. Originally, while being on the republican side, the poet participates in the battle from Philippi, in which he was enrolled as tribune, and was fighting under command of Brutus. In his first satires and epodes, characterised by a realistic expressiveness, he manifests a reserved attitude towards Octavian, whom he indirectly mentions in passing. In course of time, Horace adheres to some of Augustus’ initiatives whom he appreciates especially as peace-maker striving to heal the wounds of the civil wars. In the second part of his life, the poet writes several official or ordered works, all having a propagandistic nature, such as Carmen saeculare, sacred hymn, dedicated to Rome’s protective deities, Diana and Apollo, or the odes in which he honoured the victories against the Germanic tribes registered by the stepsons of Augustus, Tiberius and Drusus.
Keywords: Horace, Augustus, politics and literature, imperial cult
Bardon, Henri, Les empereurs et les lettres latines dʼAuguste à Hadrien, Paris, 1940.
Călinescu, G., Horațiu, fiul libertului, în Scriitori străini, București, 1967.
Grimal, Pierre, Horace, Paris, 1965.
Perret, Jacques, Horace, lʼhomme et lʼoeuvre, Paris, 1959.
Rostagni, Augusto, Orazio, Roma, 1937.