Name: Magda Wächter
Affiliation: Cercetător științific II, Institutul „Sextil Puşcariu”
Contact: magdawachter@yahoo.com
Citation Recommendation: WÄCHTER, Magda. „Philosophy as World Literature”. RITL, New Series, XVIII, 2024, p. 265–277. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.23
Pages: 265–277
Language: English
URL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2024/23_M_Watcher.pdf
DOI: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.23
Abstract: Since the relation between philosophy and literature has been a traditional topic of debate, mostly since the late 1970s and the mid 1980s, through the works of Jacques Derrida, Paul de Mann and Geoffrey H. Hartman, its reconsideration from the position of world literature might broaden both the concept of literature and that of philosophy. The fluid lines between the two disciplines, viewed as such according to continental philosophical thinking from existentialism to poststructuralism, may lead to the concept of world philosophy as world literature, already explored from various particular perspectives in collective volumes and studied as an academic discipline. Such enterprises come to complete the picture of the multiperspectival connection between the two “sister arts”, surveyed in previous collective researches dealing with topics like: philosophy as literature, the philosophy of literature, philosophy in literature, literary genres and literary style in philosophical discourse, or the intermediary status of literary theory.
Keywords: world literature, philosophy, multiculturalism, cross-studies, interdisciplinarity
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