SUMAR: Acad. Eugen SIMION, Literatura parenetică. Modelul bizantin, occidental și național / 7 Ștefan AFLOAREI, Dimitrie Cantemir: Mize ale gândirii filosofice timpurii / 63 Ștefan LEMNY, De vita patris: un motiv biografic european până la Dimitrie și Antioh Cantemir / 77 Luisa VALMARIN, Modernizarea prin traducere de la Divanul de Dimitrie Cantemir la Ceasornicul domnilor de Nicolae Costin / 87 Ioana COSTA, Curiositas altissima / 97 Simona ANTOFI, O „reușită” literară a bestiarului cantemirian: Hameleonul / 109 Florentina NICOLAE, O perspectivă contrastivă asupra versiunilor latinești ale operei cantemiriene Curanus / 119 Valy CEIA, Răgazuri și neliniști la Nicolae Mavrocordat / 125 Lia Brad CHISACOF, De la Viețile Sfinților la matematică: Literatura princiară de limbă greacă în secolul al XVIII-lea / 135 Adriana IANCU, Cneazul Ioan Cantacuzino – un modern al timpurilor vechi? / 147 Emanuela TIMOTIN, Literatura română de ceremonial, o literatură pentru principi / 155 Mihaela NECULA, Ceremonialul lecturii. Note marginale efectuate de principii români / 163 Anca Mihaela SAPOVICI, Sfaturile lui Matei al Mirelor către Alexandru Iliaș: tematică, retorică, limbaj / 171 Alexander BAUGMARTEN, Sit finis libri, sed non finis quaerendi. Lămuriri preliminare la Bernard din Clairvaux, Despre considerare / 179 Mianda CIOBA, El Tractado de Caso y…
👤Author Name: Acad. Eugen SimionAffiliation: Academia Română, preşedintele Secţiei de filologie şi literatură, directorul Institutului de Istorie şi Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”Contact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: SIMION, Eugen. „Literatura parenetică. Modelele bizantin, occidental și național”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 7-62.Titlul: LITERATURA PARENETICĂ. MODELELE BIZANTIN, OCCIDENTAL ȘI NAȚIONALTitle: PARENETIC LITERATURE. THE BYZANTINE, WESTERN AND NATIONAL MODELPages: 7-62Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: This study is dedicated to the mediaeval writings, especially to the parenetic literature, a rather nonliterary genre offering, in close determination with the age and in a sententious manner, moral teachings, advice regarding human dignity and humility/religious austerity. The conceptual term of Middle Ages (id est an age of darkness, mysticism, scholastics, spiritual asceticism) is revised; it is shown, according to historian Le Goff, that the respective age was one of cathedrals, therefore of real creation in which, besides the representative types (the saint and the knight), a third emblematic character came into being: the solitary thinker, the meditative spirit who, looking for a model of existence, brings back the ideas, virtues and myths of Antiquity and, at the same time, thinks of himself in relation with the Divinity. Another question which the study proposes for…
👤Author Name: Teodora DumitruAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DUMITRU, Teodora. „Lovinescu şi Baudelaire în Poezia nouă (1923)”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 427-433.Titlul: LOVINESCU ŞI BAUDELAIRE ÎN POEZIA NOUĂ (1923)Titre: LOVINESCU ET BAUDELAIRE DANS LA POÉSIE NOUVELLE (1923)Pages: 427-433Language: RomanianURL: Résumé: Cet essai porte sur lʼusage des termes Baudelaire et «baudelairean» dans lʼétude critique Poezia nouă/ La poésie nouvelle (1923) écrit par E. Lovinescu. Anticipant son grand projet historiographique Istoria literaturii române contemporane/ Histoire de la littérature roumaine contemporaine (1926–1929) et notamment son troisième tome – Evoluția poeziei lirice/ Lʼévolution de la poésie lyrique (1927), lʼétude Poezia nouă doit être perçu tout dʼabord en tant quʼantichambre théorique et critique du „modernisme” littéraire roumain, espace préliminaire où Lovinescu forge ses outils pour mettre en évidence la différence spécifique de ce concept. Vu ici comme „faux-symbolisme” – modèle lyrique qui, succédant au symbolisme, sʼoppose en fait à ce courant – le „modernisme” roumain dévoile ses racines dans la poésie de Baudelaire (surtout en ce qui concerne la poésie du poète roumain Tudor Arghezi), mais aussi dans le „baudelaire-anism” local, compris comme assimilation plus ou moins innovatrice…
👤Author Name: Cristina DeutschAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DEUTSCH, Cristina. „Tehnici auctoriale de încriptare a simbolului infantil. Studiu de caz: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Émile”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 411-425.Titlul: TEHNICI AUCTORIALE DE ÎNCRIPTARE A SIMBOLULUI INFANTIL. STUDIU DE CAZ: JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU, ÉMILETitle: AUTHORIAL TECHNIQUES OF INFANTILE SYMBOL’S ENCRYPTION. CASE STUDY: JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU, ÉMILEPages: 411-425Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The present paper attempts, using Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s novel, Émile, as a case study, to define a series of auctorial techniques of encrypting the child symbol. This aims to examine how the idea of childhood, seen in a positive light, tries to find a place in literature, the child becoming a character with its own features, an imaginary hero upon whom various techniques can be applied to demonstrate even a philosophical – pedagogical theory such as that of Rousseau. Seen, in fact, as a conventional symbol in fiction, the child will be viewed in this case more as an incarnation of the natural child, changing, in this way, the previous perceptions of childhood, both at a scientific level and at a literary one. For Rousseau, the child is the…
👤Author Name: Alexandra CiocârlieAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra. „Horaţiu şi Augustus”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 399-410.Titlul: HORAŢIU ŞI AUGUSTUSTitle: HORACE AND AUGUSTUSPages: 399-410Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The relationship between Horace and Augustus changes over time. Originally, while being on the republican side, the poet participates in the battle from Philippi, in which he was enrolled as tribune, and was fighting under command of Brutus. In his first satires and epodes, characterised by a realistic expressiveness, he manifests a reserved attitude towards Octavian, whom he indirectly mentions in passing. In course of time, Horace adheres to some of Augustus’ initiatives whom he appreciates especially as peace-maker striving to heal the wounds of the civil wars. In the second part of his life, the poet writes several official or ordered works, all having a propagandistic nature, such as Carmen saeculare, sacred hymn, dedicated to Rome’s protective deities, Diana and Apollo, or the odes in which he honoured the victories against the Germanic tribes registered by the stepsons of Augustus, Tiberius and Drusus. Keywords: Horace, Augustus, politics and literature, imperial cult Bibliography: Bardon, Henri, Les…
👤Author Name: Cătălin SturzaAffiliation: independent researcher 📄Article Citation Recommendation: STURZA, Cătălin. „Vladimir Colin şi basmul militant (I)”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 381-397.Titlul: VLADIMIR COLIN ŞI BASMUL MILITANT (I)Title: Vladimir Colin, literary history, literary criticism, Fantasy literature, Fantastic literature, mythology, narratology, fairy talePages: 381-397Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: Between Vladimir Colin signing the ideological pamphlet „Problemele și drumurile basmului cult” (1955) and the author of the novel “Babel” (1978), awarded the Europe Award for Best Novel at Stresa (Italy) and the Provincia di Trento Prize by the University of Padova for his contribution to fairytale creation (1980) there is quite a large gap. This essay follows the evolution of Vladimir Colin between the two waypoints and reviews some of Colin’s key texts – from his early ideological and theoretical essays to the short stories and novels that can be seen, in spite of the numerous flaws that are related to the ideological nature of the texts, but also to their uneven aesthetical value, as refference points for the Romanian Fantastic and Fantasy literature.
👤Author Name: Raluca DunăAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DUNĂ, Raluca. „Regina Maria: armele literaturii în Marele război”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 371-380.Titlul: REGINA MARIA: ARMELE LITERATURII ÎN MARELE RĂZBOITitle: QUEEN MARY: THE WEAPONS OF LITERATURE IN THE GREAT WARPages: 371-380Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The article discusses the diary Queen Mary began to write on the first day of World War One in Romania and kept on writing continuously during the war. But in the same period she wrote and published also other forms of war literature, with a strong propaganda effect, in Romania and abroad, namely My country, which appeared in London, New York and Toronto in 1916, also in a French edition, in Paris. In 1917 she published also a volume during the exile in Iasi where she is rewriting partly her diary and her style is strongly infused with personal issues and emotions. This volume contains a few texts published in the front journal România, so with a broad and special audience: soldiers in the trenches and in the hospitals. In the Diary she writes about these texts designed especially for the…
👤Author Name: Magdalena StoicescuAffiliation: Doctorand, Academia RomânăContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: STOICESCU, Magdalena. „Simion Mehedinţi (1868–1962), portretul ultimilor ani”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 359-370.Titlul: SIMION MEHEDINŢI (1868–1962), PORTRETUL ULTIMILOR ANITitle: SIMION MEHEDINŢI (1868–1962) THE PORTRAIT OF THE LAST YEARSPages: 359-370Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: As we are celebrating 150 years from the birth of Simion Mehedinți, my article focuses on several dramatic moments that marked his life, as brought to light by the documents and manuscripts I consulted, some of them unpublished, which I discovered at the Romanian Academy Library and at the National Archives. They reveal some less known aspects of the life and activity of the Romanian scholar. Keywords: Simion Mehedinți, Academy, Marin Popescu-Spineni, journal, testament
👤Author Name: Ionel Oprișan 📄Article Citation Recommendation: OPRIȘAN, Ionel. „[Interviu]: O convorbire de acum 32 de ani cu Şerban Cioculescu”. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 331-358.Titlul: [INTERVIU]: O CONVORBIRE DE ACUM 32 DE ANI CU ŞERBAN CIOCULESCUTitle: A CONVERSATION 32 YEARS AGO WITH ȘERBAN CIOCULESCU (IONEL OPRIȘAN IN DIALOGUE WITH ŞERBAN CIOCULESCU)Pages: 331-358Language: RomanianURL:
👤Author Author: Nicolae Mavrocordat Translation: Dorin Garofeanu Author Affiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară: „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MAVROCORDAT, Nicolae. „Manual în care se cuprind păreri şi cugetări cu privire la moravuri şi guvernământ şi sfătuirile renumitului domn Nicolae Vodă către fiul său, domnul Constantin Vodă”. Translation: Dorin Garofeanu. In: RITL, New Series, XII, No. 1-4, January-December 2018, p. 277-330.Titlul: MANUAL ÎN CARE SE CUPRIND PĂRERI ŞI CUGETĂRI CU PRIVIRE LA MORAVURI ŞI GUVERNĂMÂNT ŞI SFĂTUIRILE RENUMITULUI DOMN NICOLAE VODĂ CĂTRE FIUL SĂU, DOMNUL CONSTANTIN VODĂTitle: HANDBOOK CONTAINING OPINIONS AND THOUGHTS ON MORES AND GOVERNMENTPages: 277-330Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: This article highlights the textual means by which denies that the pattern of literary species could be a sufficient mark of a literary genre dedicated to the elite audience. Keywords: baroque, parenetic, Portuguese literature, eighteenth century Bibliography: Anónimo, 1970: Arte de Furtar, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa. Bădescu, Laura, 2003: Eseu asupra epistolei în literatura română medievală, București. Bădescu, Laura, 2007: Epistola în literatura medievală portugheză, București. Franco, José Eduardo; Assunção, Paulo de, 2004: As metamorfoses de um polvo. Religião e Política nos Regimentos da Inquisição Portuguesa (Séc. XVI–XIX), Lisboa. Saraiva, António José, 1979: Istoria literaturii portugheze, București.