The review for Literary History and Theory
Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Alunița CofanAffiliation: Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti, Catedra de limbi romanice şi comunicare în afaceriContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: COFAN, Alunița. „Grotescul geniului şi geniul grotesc”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 395-415.Titlul: GROTESCUL GENIULUI ŞI GENIUL GROTESCTitle: THE GROTESQUE OF THE GENIUS AND THE GENIUS OF THE GROTESQUEPages: 395-415Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The pages of this article contain a hermeneutical analysis of the grotesque into Eugen Ionescu’s biographical study Tragic and Grotesque Life of Victor Hugo. We have two points of view of grotesque here: the first one is a theoretical significance and the second one is an inside presence in narrative scenes. Deconstruction of logical methods, as well as syllogism, is pointing to the grotesque non-values: risible, clownish, horrible. Keywords: grotesque non-values, Eugen Ionescu, biographical study, logical methods, hermeneutical analysis

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Mirela Mihaela DogaAffiliation: Universitatea „Ovidius” din ConstanțaContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DOGA, Mirela Mihaela. „Tradiția literară și teatrală a absurdului”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 365-393.Titlul : TRADIȚIA LITERARĂ ȘI TEATRALĂ A ABSURDULUITitle: THE LITERARY AND THEATRICAL TRADITION OF ABSURDPages: 365-393Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The absurdist theatre’s legitimate ancestors renew archaic traditions. There are a few lines of thought which, according to Martin Esslin, anticipate absurdist theatre. First, pure theatre, which replaces spoken word with décor and movement, comes to life through the Latin mime, the British music hall or the American vaudeville, however Nicolae Balotă questions this denial of the word. Second, verbal nonsense, with deep roots in children’s folklore, is used to liberate one from the constraints of logic. Third, the dichotomy between dream and absurd is a constant theme and a generator of structure. Ubu-Roi, essential for modern theatre, representatively challenges reality and society as a whole, and anticipates the Dada movement or Surrealism. Later, Guillaume Apollinaire would use miracles and imagination without following any limit, while Antonin Artaud’s metaphysical theatre rediscovers the individual in relation to nature without any social or psychological elements. At the same time, it is…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Mirela GrăniceruAffiliation: Universitatea „Ovidius” din ConstanțaContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: GRĂNICERU, Mirela. „Ipostazele imaginarului în discursul narativ al lui Mircea Eliade”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 347-363.Titlul: IPOSTAZELE IMAGINARULUI ÎN DISCURSUL NARATIV AL LUI MIRCEA ELIADETitre: HYPOSTASES DE L’IMAGINAIRE DANS LE DISCOURS NARRATIF DE MIRCEA ELIADEPages: 347-363Language: RomanianURL: Résumé: Le travail de Mircea Eliade se transforme en un exercice spiritual à la fois pour herméneute narrateur et pour le lecteur avisé. La prose de Mircea Eliade illustre le meilleur moyen de sortir d’un veritable espace pour apprendre à connaître l’iréel, existant seulement dans l’imagination de Mircea Eliade. Cette transfiguration est atteinte par divers moyens de transposition, qui entrave les métaphores hermétiques. Le monde de Mircea Eliade est en fait une projection imaginaire, un rêve dans un rêve, le rêve des personnages devient même la réalité de l’œuvre. Lorsque nous parlons de la prose mythique, nous ne pouvons pas oublier cet effort de Sisyphe des caractères néophytes, noninitiés, de révéler le centre absolu du labyrinthe. Pour cette raison, l’utopie de Mircea Eliade est naturel, le centre ne peut être trouvé, il partie de notre unité humaine, mais la conscience scission dans un rêve,…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Ștefan FiricăAffiliation: Universitatea din București, Facultatea de LitereContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: FIRICĂ, Ștefan. „Pentru o relectură a romanelor ideologice eliadiene”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 337-346.Titlul: PENTRU O RELECTURĂ A ROMANELOR IDEOLOGICE ELIADIENETitle: TOWARDS A RE-INTERPRETATION OF MIRCEA ELIADE’S IDEOLOGICAL NOVELSPages: 337-346Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: Undoubtedly, the boldest literary project of Mircea Eliade’s youth is the trilogy comprised of Întoarcerea din rai (1934 – “Return from Heaven”), Huliganii (1935 – “The Hooligans”) Viață nouă (“New Life”). Caught up in many other projects, whether scientific, cultural, or political, the author finished and published only the first and the second volumes of the series, while the third one is only partially known, from the fragments published posthumously, as well as from the author’s notes in Jurnalul portughez (“The Portuguese Diary”) or in Memorii (“Memoirs”). This article advocates for reading the three novels as instantiations of the ideological / political fiction (or roman à thèse), as conceptualized in the American and European theories of the last decades. We will meet a literature questionable from the ideological viewpoint, but surely in pace with the new narrative moulds developed worldwide, in the 1930s–1940s. Though rarely recognized as…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Anamaria CiobotaruAffiliation: Universitatea „Ovidius” din ConstanţaContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CIOBOTARU, Anamaria. „Sanatoriul – spaţiu al erosului şi al thanatosului în romanul lui Max Blecher”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 329-335.Titlul: SANATORIUL – SPAŢIU AL EROSULUI ŞI AL THANATOSULUI ÎN ROMANUL LUI MAX BLECHERTitle: THE SANATORIUM – SPACE OF EROS AND THANATOS IN MAX BLECHER’S NOVELPages: 329-335Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The present approach is based on the idea that, with Blecher, Eros is developed between two limits, evolving from pleasant sensations to resentments. The attitude the character has towards love is in fact a reaction to the disease he is consumed by. Certainly, the ailment involuntarily dominates all the character’s feelings and he cannot think or feel outside the limits imposed by the disease. The sanatorium functions as a drug that insinuates itself slowly and permanently onto the characters. Once you enter this space there is something that prevents you from leaving it. The behaviour becomes automated, the reactions are predictable, the coordinates according to which life unfolds are Eros – Thanatos. The ailment is the common point for everyone. Each character lives a love story, each being destined to die in a…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Nicoleta SălcudeanuAffiliation: Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „Gheorghe Şincai” al Academiei Române, Târgu MureșContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: SĂLCUDEANU, Nicoleta. „Mihai Sin – suprafețele prozei”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 317-328.Titlul: MIHAI SIN – SUPRAFEȚELE PROZEITitle: MIHAI SIN – THE SURFACES OF PROSEPages: 317-328Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: The author clings from the very beginning to the substance of the harmlesss immediacy. Inside the benign, daytime writing, expressed through small, seemingly insignificant gesture, it is revealed, exasperatingly and unsettling slowly, the hideous figure of the absolute evil, it is revealed the bordering hell, the hell itself, on the line where the fragile human faces its intrinsically evil, but also its infernal otherness. Without any irony, but with the addition of substantial steel lucidity, the writing of Mihai Sin is a frowning aspect of French moralism, a mix of prose, essays and pamphlets, and vision is that of an angry Candide, a Candide obviously more skeptical than Voltaire himself. The great stake is actually the moral manifesto, ultimate and realistic at the same time. It’s about death, about all its forms, from the individual to that of an entire world. Keywords: Mihai Sin, prose, novel, essay,…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Violeta BercaruAffiliation: Universitatea din BucureștiContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BERCARU, Violeta. „Definiri ale metaforei – metaforismului – demetaforizării”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 295-316.Titlul: DEFINIRI ALE METAFOREI – METAFORISMULUI – DEMETAFORIZĂRIITitre: DÉFINITIONS DE LA MÉTAPHORE – LE MÉTAPHORISME – LA DÉMÉTAPHORISATIONPages: 295-316Language: RomanianURL: Résumé: Ľétude couvre une analyse du phénomène de croissance et de diminution du métaphorisme dans la modernité, l’apparition d’un champ métaphorique fermé représenté par la prévalence de l’existentiel par rapport à la forme artistique élaborée ou révélatrice, de même elle s’occupe de la précedence de ce champ métaphorique fermé par une phase intermédiaire, représentée par la dépoétisation de la métaphore et la configuration d’un trope implicitatif/ la métaphore incluse dans la séquence. On souligne, également, le rôle de la connotation et de ľimplicitation, la flexibilisation de la communication connotation/denotation, à travers un degré ďinclination ďun repère envers ľautre. Si Aristotel considérait que la qualité principale du discours est la clarté sans glisser dans le commun, en soulignant les metaphores, Jean Cohen dans la modernité synthétise une idée aristotélienne, configurant une poéticité qui consiste dans la perte de la signification, suivie ďune recuperation de celle-ci. Une brève histoire des visions…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Ioana MirceaAffiliation: Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din SibiuContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MIRCEA, Ioana. „Conceptul de istorie literară”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 287-293.Titlul: CONCEPTUL DE ISTORIE LITERARĂTitle: THE CONCEPT OF LITERARY HISTORYPages: 287-293Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: This paper offers an overview on the concept of literary history: the presentation opens with the returning to two classic definitions of it and with the identification of its dual character, objective and subjective. In order to study the subject, revived after the 1990s, one must first clearly define literary theory, critique, and history; decide whether they are complementary or contradictory; and see how literary science interacts with the concept. We can identify a hierarchy in which theory comes first, critique second and history last, and then examine the adaptation of dichotomies and the way in which literary history is perceived by various Romanian authors. Keywords: definition, G. Călinescu, René Wellek, literary theory, literary critique, dichotomies. Bibliography: Aseguinolaza, Fernando Cabo, Gonzalez, Anxo Abuin, Dominguez, César, A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, vol. I, John Benjamins Publishing Co, Amsterdam, 2007.  Băciuț, Nicolae, O istorie a literaturii române contemporane în interviuri, Suceava, Editura Reîntregirea, 2005. Călinescu,…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Name: Cătălin SturzaAffiliation: Cercetător asociat, Academia RomânăContact: 📄Article Citation Recommendation: STURZA, Cătălin. „Două forme productive în anii 1990 şi 2000: eclectismul postmodern şi autoficţiunea”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 269-286Titlul: DOUĂ FORME PRODUCTIVE ÎN ANII 1990 ŞI 2000: ECLECTISMUL POSTMODERN ŞI AUTOFICŢIUNEATitle: TWO PRODUCTIVE FORMS IN THE 1990S AND 2000S: THE POSTMODERN ECLECTICISM AND THE AUTOFICTIONPages: 269-286Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: This article discusses two productive forms of Romanian prose of the last two decades: on the one hand, the novel that refines and moves beyond (by means of parody) the Postmodern eclecticism; on the other hand, a form borrowed in the 1990s and 2000s from the French prose by the young Romanian novelists of 2000 – generically known as Autofiction. The article selects and analyzes three relevant novels for each of the two forms. Thus, the Postmodern eclecticism is illustrated by the Orbitor series, of Mircea Cărtărescu – which is perhaps the most debated and challenged series (by the literary criticism) of the last two decades –; Christina Domestica şi Vânătorii de suflete and Simion liftnicul. Roman cu îngeri şi moldoveni, of Peter Cimpoeşu. The Autofiction is illustrated by the debut novel of…

Articles / December 15, 2015

👤Author Author Name: Doina Matei MarcuAuthor Affiliation: Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”din GalațiContact: 📄Article metadata Citation Recommendation: MATEI MARCU, Doina.  „Aspecte ale „înregimentării asumate” de scriitori în presa comunistă din perioada 1949–1965”. In: RITL, New Series, IX, No. 1-4, January-December 2015, p. 233-267.Titlul: ASPECTE ALE „INREGIMENTARII ASUMATE” DE SCRIITORI IN PRESA COMUNISTA DIN PERIOADA 1949–1965Title: ASPECTS OF THE WRITERS’ “ASSUMED JOINING THE COMMUNIST PARTY” IN THE ROMANIAN JOURNALS OF THE 1949–1965 PERIODPages: 233-267Language: RomanianURL: Abstract: Authors who had to live in a totalitarian environment published poetry, prose, drama, literary criticism or political articles in the press as power had them do. After the first years of Communism, to remain present in the cultural world of Romanian literature, they write obediently, following the guidelines of socialist realism. The directives of the one party hierarchy appear in the lines of characters, but also in the words used by criticism, in which textual analysis becomes absurd. Censorship is a safety net for the authorities. The tendencies of the “new literature” crystalize and they remain in place for many decades. Today this work is only of interest to those who are passionate about literary criticism and history. Keywords: authors, press, power, obedience, socialist…