👤Author Name: Eugen SimionAffiliation: Academia Română 📄Article Citation Recommendation: SIMION, Eugen. „Moralistul Creangă”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 7–24Titlul: MORALISTUL CREANGĂTitle: CREANGĂ THE MORALISTPages: 7–24Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/1_E_Simion.pdf Abstract: The hypothesis of the present article is that Ion Creangă, one of the great Romanian prose writers (1837–1889), is a moralist who likes to observe the human nature and to judge it. The author presents the state of critical reviews of Ion Creangă as a moralist and points to the originality of his approach. A historical overview of the moralists in the Romanian literature is giving the clear picture of the place occupied by Ion Creangă. The arguments used to prove this hypothesis, refer to Creangă’s techniques as an ethical / moral judge: the use of various folk sayings and the illustration of the traditional / folk patterns of thinking. The study sheds clear and new perspectives on Creangă’s artistry and the philosophic vision concerning life. Keywords: Ion Creangă, folk ethics, folk wisdom, Romanian literature
👤Author Name: Cristina Balinte 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BALINTE, Cristina. „Evenimente ştiinţifice desfăşurate în Institutul de Istorie şi Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române în anul 2012”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 445–446Titlul: EVENIMENTE ŞTIINŢIFICE DESFĂŞURATE ÎN INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE ŞI TEORIE LITERARĂ „G. CĂLINESCU” AL ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE ÎN ANUL 2012Title: SCIENTIFIC EVENTS OF THE “G. CĂLINESCU” INSTITUTE FOR HISTORY AND LITERARY THEORY OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY DURING THE 2012 YEARPages: 445–446Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/23_Miscellanea.pdf
👤Author Name: Alexandra CiocârlieAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra. „Tudor Vianu, un comparatist atras de antichitate”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 433–443Titlul: TUDOR VIANU, UN COMPARATIST ATRAS DE ANTICHITATETitle: TUDOR VIANU, A COMPARATIVE LITERATURE RESEARCHER ATTRACTED BY ANTIQUITYPages: 433–443Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/22_A_Ciocarlie.pdf Abstract: Tudor Vianu’s studies of world literature and comparative literature – some of which are synthetic, the others, analytic, some devoted to constructing an outline of the general evolution of literature, the others seeking a more in-depth approach to particular aspects of older or more recent literary texts – prove his constant interest in shedding light on the connections of the moderns with the ancients. Keywords: Romanian literary criticism, comparatist approach, Greek and Latin literature, modern literature, intertextuality
👤Author Name: Alunița CofanAffiliation: Academia de Studii Economice, București 📄Article Citation Recommendation: COFAN, Alunița. „Teoreticieni şi esteticieni ai grotescului”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 393–432Titlul: TEORETICIENI ŞI ESTETICIENI AI GROTESCULUITitre: THÉORICIENS ET ESTHÉTICIENS DU GROTESQUEPages: 393–432Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/21_A_Cofan.pdf Résumé: Ce parcours chronologique parmi les ouvrages théoriques et esthétiques s’appuie sur la méthode herméneutique afin de relever la surprenante phénoménologie d’une catégorie esthétique: le grotesque. C’est ce qui s’appelle une analyse explicite de la catégorie esthétique envisagée. Chercheurs anglais, allemands, américains, français et roumains nous aident à circonscrire notre objectif descriptif dans un espace culturel plus large et pour une période d’environ deux siècles, le XIXème et XXIème. L’évolution du grotesque devient ainsi fonction de temps et d’espace culturel. Mots-clés: esthétique du grotesque, méthode herméneutique, la phénoménologie, espaces culturels, théoriciens du grotesque Bibliography: Bahtin, Mihail, Probleme de literatură şi estetică (cap. Cronotopul rabelaisian, p. 394–428), Bucureşti, Editura Univers, 1982. Bahtin, Mihail, Rabelais and his world, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1984 (sau: http://www.radicalanthropologygroup.org/old/class_text_103.pdf). Balotă, Nicolae, Manierismul în literatură, în revista „Cultura” nr. 77/ 2007. Baudelaire, Charles, Curiozități estetice, Bucureşti, Editura Meridiane, 1971 (p. 1–46; 182–222). Baudelaire, Charles, De l’essence du rire et généralement du comique dans les…
👤Author Name: Caius DobrescuAffiliation: Universitatea din București 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DOBRESCU, Caius. „Politeţea ca mediere – o posibilă genealogie a modernităţii culturale”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 379–391Titlul: POLITEŢEA CA MEDIERE – O POSIBILĂ GENEALOGIE A MODERNITĂŢII CULTURALETitle: POLITENESS AS MEDIATION – A POSSIBLE GENEALOGY OF CULTURAL MODERNITYPages: 379–391Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/20_C_Dobrescu.pdf Abstract: The paper Politeness as Mediation: A Possible Genealogy of Cultural Modernity looks at the European culture of polite manners form the perspective of its capacity of inciting and nurturing the transformations of values and mental frameworks generally termed “modernization”. We start form the diffusionist model of the “civilizing process” notoriously promoted by Norbert Elias, but move on to amending it through a vision of politeness as a dynamic cultural device mediating between civic duty and civility, publicity and intimacy, social hierarchy and social equality. The present exploration sets the premises for the further analysis of two related processes: a) the historical influence of the culture of politeness and of polite conversation in Eastern Europe; b) the strategic role played by literary criticism in the revival of the “civilizing process” (seen as a process of “conversational” modernization) under the East European post-Stalinist regimes. Keywords:…
👤Author Name: Liviu BordașAffiliation: Institutul de Studii Sud-Est Europene al Academiei Române 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BORDAȘ, Liviu. „Faptul magic şi faptul mistic. Prima întâlnire a lui Eliade cu opera lui Evola”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 333–378Title: FAPTUL MAGIC ŞI FAPTUL MISTIC. PRIMA ÎNTÂLNIRE A LUI ELIADE CU OPERA LUI EVOLATitle: MAGICAL EVENT AND MYSTICAL EVENT. THE FIRST ENCOUNTER OF ELIADE WITH THE WORKS OF EVOLAPages: 333–378Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/19_L_Bordas.pdf Abstract: This article is the first in a series to offer a historical reconstruction of Mircea Eliade’s relationship with the main representatives and ideas of the so-called “Traditionalist” current (René Guénon, Julius Evola, and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy). Eliade first comes across the works of the Traditionalists between 1926 and 1928. I examine the motives that might have brought about his interest for their works, his relation to their ideas, and the immediate consequences of this intellectual encounter during his first months in India. My claim is that Guénon and Coomaraswamy have a rather limited impact on his intellectual formation at this early stage. Evola’s work (more precisely his less known articles from the reviews „Bilychnis” and „Ur”), on the other hand, seems to have captivated the…
👤Author Name: Nicoleta IfrimAffiliation: Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, Galați 📄Article Citation Recommendation: IFRIM, Nicoleta. „Manifestări ale autismului naţionalofob în presa postdecembristă: de la «identităţile interşanjabile» la «negustorii de iluzii»”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 301–331Titlul: MANIFESTĂRI ALE AUTISMULUI NAŢIONALOFOB ÎN PRESA POSTDECEMBRISTĂ: DE LA „IDENTITĂŢILE INTERŞANJABILE” LA „NEGUSTORII DE ILUZII”Title: MANIFESTATIONS OF THE NATIONAL-PHOBIC AUTISM IN THE POST-DECEMBER 1989 LITERARY JOURNALISM: FROM THE “INTERCHANGING IDENTITIES” TO “THE MERCHANTS OF ILLUSIONS”Pages: 301–331Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/18_N_Ifrim.pdf Abstract: Within the post-December period, the Romanian cultural background has witnessed the conflictive phenomenon of critical revision focusing on the (in)validation of the literary canon by means of two dichotomic approaches: the ethicist one looking for the ‘moral guilt’ of both the writer and his writing (the collaborationist syndrome) and the aesthetic perspective analysing the inner fictional mechanism and strategies conveying the value of the literary work. A new prototype of criticism has occurred: the ‘national-phobic’ autism that aims at demolishing the ‘aesthetically-oriented literary canon’ in favour of the ‘democratic’ one, which would preserve the ‘non-collaborationist’ drive. Keywords: aesthetic critique, moral-ethicist approach, Romanian literature, literary canon Bibliography: Borza, C., 2009, Întoarcerea estetismului, în Vatra, nr. 7–8. Borza, S., 2010, Despre intelectualii din…
👤Author Name: Alina CrihanăAffiliation: Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CRIHANĂ, Alina. „Memorie, istorie, identitate: repere teoretice interdisciplinare”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 287–300Titlul: MEMORIE, ISTORIE, IDENTITATE: REPERE TEORETICE INTERDISCIPLINARETitre: MÉMOIRE, HISTOIRE, IDENTITÉ: REPÈRES THÉORIQUES INTERDISCIPLINAIRESPages: 287–300Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/17_A_Crihana.pdf Résumé: La configuration particulière de toute identité culturelle est largement tributaire aux rapports que chaque communauté entretient avec son histoire et, par cela même, aux constructions de la mémoire. De fait, ces dernières participent dans de différents degrés à la constitution des « référents identitaires » (psychosociaux, historiques, culturels), en conditionnant, en même temps, la constitution des hiérarchies axiologiques établies, dans un contexte donné, à l’intérieur d’une culture. Notre travail se donne pour but la mise en évidence de ces rapports profonds existant entre la mémoire, l’histoire et l’identité, à partir de quelques réflexions théoriques tributaires à la démarche herméneutique, sociologique et mythanalytique. Mots-clés: mémoire et histoire culturelles, identité, abus de mémoire et d’oubli, topique socioculturelle Bibliography: Assmann, Jan, La mémoire culturelle. Écriture, souvenir et imaginaire politique dans les civilisations antiques. Paris : Aubier, 2010. Augé, Marc. Les Formes de l’oubli. Paris, Payot-Rivages, 1998. Braga, Corin, 10 studii de arhetipologie. Cluj-Napoca, Dacia, 1999. Baugnet,…
👤Author Name: Ioana RevnicAffiliation: Universitatea din Oradea 📄Article Citation Recommendation: REVNIC, Ioana. „Lumea romanului românesc (1965–1989). LOCURI şi timpuri”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 251–285Titlul: LUMEA ROMANULUI ROMÂNESC (1965–1989). LOCURI ŞI TIMPURITitle: WORLD OF THE ROMANIAN NOVEL (1965 – 1989). PLACES AND TIMESKeywords: Romanian places (villages, cities, Bucharest) reflected in literature, Romanian literature, literature in the Communist eraPages: 251–285Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/16_I_Revnic.pdf Abstract: A foray into the Romanian novel world between 1965 and 1989 is a journey through a literary geography that includes: First, the local village, either depicted through its traditional stance or disturbed by unexplained events; or under the renewing swing because of the negative influence of the collectivization and modernization. Secondly, the village over the Prut River – an invaded territory. Subject to the aggression of some forces from abroad – manifested during the war or during the communist occupation – the rural space remains the favorite background for the Bassarabian authors. Besides these places, there are the provincial cities (fatally marked by mediocrity), the imaginary provinces, and Bucharest. The capital is the sum of contrasts – a mix of old and new, of traditionalism and modernity, of elegance and kitsch. The town’s…
👤Author Name: Crina BudAffiliation: Universitatea de Nord, Baia Mare 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BUD, Crina. „Critica literară versus critica culturală. Legitimări ale literaturii române ca literatură europeană”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 235–250Titlul: CRITICA LITERARĂ VERSUS CRITICA CULTURALĂ. LEGITIMĂRI ALE LITERATURII ROMÂNE CA LITERATURĂ EUROPEANĂTitre: LA CRITIQUE LITTÉRAIRE VERSUS LA CRITIQUE CULTURELLE. LÉGITIMATIONS DE LA LITTÉRATURE ROUMAINE EN TANT QUE LITTÉRATURE EUROPÉENNEPages: 235–250Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2012/15_C_Bud.pdf Résumé: Les littératures jeunes et de peu d’audience, telle que la littérature roumaine, se légitiment, dès le début, en tant que littératures européennes ou universelles par le biais de la critique culturelle. Leur effort de se rattacher à un modèle dominant (par exemple, le modèle européen) se voit doublé par l’effort de préserver les données identitaires, et cette tension est visible aussi de nos jours, lorsque la mondialisation a imposé, dans le domaine des études littéraires, les approches culturelles, au dépens des approches esthétiques. Par conséquent, dès le début du vingtième siècle, le discours sur la littérature roumaine est soumis à une double exigence: l’autolégitimation (tout particulièrement par la critique littéraire) et la légitimation par rapport à l’étranger (par la critique, tout particulièrement par la critique européenne). Il s’agit là d’un…