👤Author Name: Nicolae Mecu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MECU, Nicolae. „Cuvânt la redeschidere”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 207-211Titlul: CUVÂNT LA REDESCHIDERETitle: A WORD IN REOPENINGPages: 207-211Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/14_N_Mecu.pdf Abstract: This article reopens The Edition Chronicle Column. I review the editing of the classical Romanian writers after 1989, and address discussion about the requirements of that work in the present times, timeframe without ideological pressures and censorship. In the second part of the article I am revealing my opinion about the norms and the needs for the editing on one hand, the status of the editor in our cultural times on the other.
👤Author Name: Lucian Chişu, Rodica Condria Sagaidac, Petruş Costea, Cristina Deutsch, Magdalena Dragu, Laurenţiu Hanganu, Alexandru Farcaş, Mariana Ionescu (director de proiect), Andrei Milca, Mihaela Poncea, Alexandra Safta, Oana Soare. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CHIȘU Lucian et al. „Cronologia vieții literare românești 1944-1964 (I)”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 159-205Titlul: CRONOLOGIA VIEȚII LITERARE ROMÂNEȘTI 1944-1964 (I)Title: ROMANIAN LITERARY LIFE’S CHRONOLOGY 1944-1964 (I)Pages: 159-205Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/13_Dosar.pdf
👤Author Name: Dumitru Micu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MICU, Dumitru. „Proletcultismul (I)”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 149-158Titlul: PROLETCULTISMUL (I)Title: THE PROLETCULTISM (I)Pages: 149-158Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/12_D_Micu.pdf Abstract: Considering the implications of ”proletcultist” (the cult of proletarian values) literature, we can notice that proletcultism has in common with the vanguard currents the programmatic request of destroying libraries, museums and universities. That is everything related to academic tradition. But, nonetheless, there is a difference between the Romanian ”proletcultism” and the Soviet one. Communism in Russia was more aesthetic-infused, being accepted non-proletarian inspiration also.
👤Author Name: Andrei Gligor 📄Article Citation Recommendation: GLIGOR, Andrei. „Critica postbelică”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 143-148Titlul: CRITICA POSTBELICĂTitle: POSTWAR CRITICPages: 143-148Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/11_A_Gligor.pdf Abstract: It’s not normal that important post-war critics like Nicolae Manolescu, Eugen Simion and Ov. S. Crohmălniceanu should be expelled from the curricula. They imposed the most representative contemporary writers and defended and enlarged the cultural values inherited from Maiorescu, Lovinescu and Călinescu. In fact, we can’t speak about a gap in the Romanian literary criticism. That is why the explosive emergence of a generation of V.I.P. critics, ready to give credit to commercial authors, proves to be so alarming.
👤Author Name: Antonio Patraș 📄Article Citation Recommendation: Patraș, Antonio. „The Art of Narrating”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 135-142Title: THE ART OF NARRATINGPages: 135-142Language: EnglishURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/10_ A_Patras.pdf Rezumat: Studiul de faţă îşi propune să surprindă cele mai caracteristice note ale artei narative „fănuşiene“, care se fac simţite de la bun început, încă din anii debutului. Aşa se face că, încă de la primele culegeri de nuvele şi povestiri, publicate într-un context cu totul nefavorabil afirmării valorilor, autorul s-a impus printre cei mai valoroşi prozatori ai generaţiei sale. Indiferent de genul abordat ulterior, de la cronica sportivă şi cărţile pentru copii la proza confesivă, memorialistică, de la roman la dramaturgie, această literatură a a manifestat obstinat, prin însăşi „formula“ ei, o tendinţă „evazionistă”* (metaforismul, dislocarea linearităţii epice în nuclee narative proliferând, dacă se poate spune aşa, „pe verticală“), principial ostilă contaminării ideologice, cu mesaj propagandistic. În opinia noastră, unul dintre momentele de vârf ale creaţiei lui Fănuş Neagu îl reprezintă volumele de povestiri târzii Pierdut în Balcania (1982), Partida de pocher (1994) şi O corabie spre Bethleem (1997), volume care concentrează, în piese efasate cu minuţie de bijutier, trăsăturile unei formule epice inimitabile.
👤Author Name: Dragoș M. Vicol 📄Article Citation Recommendation: VICOL, Dragoș M. „Poezia senzationalului și sentimentul tragicului în romanul Îngerul a strigat”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 123-134Titlul: POEZIA SENZAȚIONALULUI ȘI SENTIMENTUL TRAGICULUI ÎN ROMANUL ÎNGERUL A STRIGATTitle: THE POETRY OF THE SENSATIONAL AND THE FEELING OF THE FEELING OF THE TRAGIC WITHIN THE NOVEL THE ANGEL CRIEDPages: 123-134Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/9_D_ M_Vicol.pdf Abstract: Fănuş Neagu’s prose has a special architecture, making use of a great range of figures of speech, with the intention of enchanting the reader and, simultaneously, of describing the wondrous landscape of Bărăgan and the Danube pools. His word choice is rich and expressive, very much resembling that of Sadoveanu’s. In the same time, the vernacular realism is combined with an ancestral wisdom and this is the secret of an incomparable art of story-telling. Bibliography: Simion, E. Scriitori români de azi. Vol. III. — Chişinău, Editura Litera, 1998. Neagu, F. În văpaia lunii. — Bucureşti, Editura Eminescu, 1979. Neagu, F. Vară buimacă. — Bucureşti, Editura pentru literatură, 1967. Maruin, M. Generaţie şi creație. — Bucureşti, Editura pentru literatură, 1969. Neagu, F. Îngerul a strigat. — Bucureşti, Editura Eminescu, 1991. Dolgan, M. Farmecul lirismului:…
👤Author Name: Ion Brad 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BRAD, Ion. „Un mare poet al limbii române”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 109-121Titlul: UN MARE POET AL LIMBII ROMÂNETitle: A GREAT POET OF ROMANIAN LANGUAGEPages: 109-121Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/8_I_Brad.pdf Abstract: With the occasion of Fănuş Neagu’s 75th anniversary, Ion Brad, a writer, ambassador and theatre director, collected all the dedications received from his friend on his books during many years.
👤Author Name: Lucian Chișu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CHIȘU, Lucian „Rotonda Mihail Sebastian (MLR, 1975) 30 de ani de la moarte”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 77-108Titlul: ROTONDA MIHAIL SEBASTIAN (MLR, 1975) 30 DE ANI DE LA MOARTETitle: MIHAIL SEBASTIAN ROTONDA (30 YEARS SINCE DEATH, MLR, 1975)Pages: 77-108Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/7_Rotonda.pdf Abstract: During the communist period, literary history recorded its main events through the writing of experts in the field. The resulting image is undoubtedly truthful and it renders in its entirety the evolving ”scale of values“ of Romanian literature, including the literature of the last half a century, a period supposed to have been affected by the distortions operated by the political climate. The maintenance of the necessary balance is an undeniable fact, despite some interventions” of the last two decades, which aimed to be the seismograph of the intrusions of social command; in other words, of the communist propaganda in matters of literary art and its main themes. The only element remaining under question refers to a certain attitude, to the ”official character of the enterprise of those who approached literary history, which disregarded the immanence of the ideological factor (”the Party is everything“), implying,…
👤Author Name: Paul Dugneanu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DUGNEANU, Paul. „Mihail Sebastian și poetica romanului proustian”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 71-76Titlul: MIHAIL SEBASTIAN ȘI POETICA ROMANULUI PROUSTIANTitle: MIHAIL SEBASTIAN AND THE POETICS OF THE PROUSTIAN NOVELPages: 71-76Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/6_P_Dugneanu.pdf Abstract: Playwright and modernist novelist, Mihail Sebastian was also an outstanding literary critic, proving, in the same time, remarkable theoretical skills. Concerned with the analysis of the literary phenomena from that period, he even set on putting together an extensive study in two volumes, having as subject the modernist novel. Despite the fact that he did not accomplish his project, a large part of his critical opinions and of his theoretical reflections-mostly involving the narrative constructions from ”In search of lost time“ —, can constitute an important Romanian contribution to a poetics of the proustian novel.
👤Author Name: Dumitru Micu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MICU, Dumitru. „Eliade și Sebastian”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 65-70Titlul: ELIADE ȘI SEBASTIANTitle: ELIADE AND SEBASTIANPages: 65-70Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/5_ D_Micu.pdf Abstract: The article presents the friendship between Mircea Eliade and Mihail Sebastian in the light of the two authors’ perspectives on each other’s works. While Eliade considers that Sebastian, who died in 1945 in a tragic car accident, would have become a great literary critic, Sebastian comments upon Eliade’s prose, especially Domnisoara Christina and Maitreyi, as the most important Romanian literary achievements in the field of fantastic genre since Eminescu’s Sarmanul Dionis.