Name: Andrei Milca
Affiliation: Asistent de cercetare la Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”, Academia Română
Contact: andreimilca@yahoo.com
Citation Recommendation: MILCA, Andrei. „Cronologia vieții literare românești (CVLR). Studiu de caz; Anul 1971 (II)”. In: RITL, New Series, XV, No. 1-4, January-December 2021-2022, p. 219-261
Pages: 219-261
Language: Romanian
URL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2021-2022/16_A_Milca.pdf
Rezumat: Cronologia vieții literare românești/CVLR este un proiect amplu, de mare importanță, urmărind publicistica anilor 1944-2012. Studiul de față (împărțit în două articole, Anul 1961 pentru R.I.T.L. 2020, respectiv Anul 1971, pentru R.I.T.L. 2021-2022) se referă la doi ani reprezentativi pentru epocile Gheorghiu-Dej și Nicolae Ceaușescu: Anul 1961, al începutului dezghețului pentru epoca Dej, inclusiv în viața noastră culturală, și Anul 1971 cu Tezele din iulie, an de cotitură și de regres, echivalent cu un ,,îngheț’’ al epocii Ceaușescu. Am urmărit statutul fluctuant al scriitorului în totalitarism, reflectat în presa anilor ’60 și ’70. Totodată, am semnalat principalele evenimente (istorice, politice, culturale/literare) și teme/tematici (dezbateri, anchete, interviuri, polemici) ale anilor 1961 și 1971. De asemenea, am configurat câteva cazuri ale scriitorilor-problemă, care au trecut prin închisorile comuniste, ulterior unii dintre ei fiind reintegrați în sistem – în timp ce alți intelectuali au ales de la începutul regimului comunist sau pe parcurs varianta exilului.
Cuvinte-cheie: Cronologie/CVLR (anii ’60 vs anii ’70), publicistică, statutul scriitorului, evenimente, teme/ tematici, totalitarism, cazuri.
Abstract: This article is mainly about “Anul 1961” and “Anul 1971” from CVLR – the Communist Era, putting in scene a series of lists about these years, by famous authors of that time (being quoted frequently in that moment), in the newspapers that appeared in 1961 and 1971, about events – themes – subjects of two periods, that represents the beginning of a relative opening of the destalinization in the Gheorghiu-Dej age (1961) and the beginning of the (re)frost of the Ceaușescu epoch, after the China and Korea visits and the launching of July thesis (1971), equal to a coming back to a dogmatic Socialist Realism. Therefore, the society of the 1961 vs 1971, the Romanian literary life in Communism, the well known cases of ‘60’s vs ‘70’s, as for punishing and forbidding the intellectuals, but also about their returning in the ordinary life, after the 1964 amnesty (that meant the letting out of jail of all the political prisoners). In 1961, but also in 1971, a lot of writers have had a coming back to Romanian official literary life, including the authors from outside the country (Eliade, Ionescu) and the critical capitalization of the cultural/ literary heritage becomes the main subject. Based on the articles published in the newspapers of those years and on the lists of the writers that were mentioned at the time, we can understand clearly about the absences and the presences of some writers from the above-mentioned decades. We also follow the fluctuant status of the Romanian writer in Dej regime, in the Ceaușescu ‘Golden Age’, the resistance/ adjustment of the interior exile of Constantin Noica type, but also the getting out of the Socialist Camp – the real exile involving of an external disclaimer, by Herta Muller, Paul Goma or Norman Manea type. CVLR can underline all these directions, for general subjects about that time and future individual or group articles, being reflected all the gestures – collaborations or denials – from the Communist Era of the most important authors in some sort of unique history in images/ discussed quotes of the 1944-1989, from the step by step instauration of Dej’s dictatorship and to the collapse of the Ceaușescu’s power.
Keywords: CVLR (Chronology of Romanian Literary Life); 1961 vs 1971’s years; Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej; Nicolae Ceaușescu; ideological thaw; ideological re-enactment; writer-problem/ marginalized writer; 1960-1980’s cases; writers in prison; rehabilitation of the writer; critical capitalization of the cultural/ literary heritage; writers unsuited to the regime; totalitarianism; exile; lists of frequently used authors (being quoted frequently); lists of newspapers from 1961 and 1971; lists of general events – political, social and historical events; cultural events – birthdays, commemorations, deaths, awards, debuts, meetings and plenaries sessions of Romanian Communist Party and The Writers’ Union; inquiries, panel discussions, interviews, polemics, pamphlets; reviews/ revaluations/ revalidations; lists of themes and subjects.
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Surse electronice: Procesul lotului ziariștilor fasciști, Procesul lotului Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu, Procesul Rugului Aprins (sau Grupul de la Mănăstirea Antim), Procesul Lotului C. Noica-D. Pillat și Procesul scriitorilor germani, Cazul Paul Goma, Cazul Radu Gyr, Cazul Al. Ivasiuc și alții, Revoluția maghiară din 1956 – consecințe în R.P.R., v. surse Wikipedia.ro.