The review for Literary History and Theory


December 15, 2012


Name: Paul Cernat
Affiliation: Universitatea din Bucureşti


Citation Recommendation: CERNAT, Paul. „Existențialismul românesc”. In: RITL, New Series, VI, No. 1-4, January-December 2012, p. 89–96
Pages: 89–96
Language: Romanian

Abstract: The article presents the Existentialism, as a trend of the modern thought, and it is mainly focused on the literary manifestations of this perspective. It offers definitional issues and background, it clarifies the concepts associated with Existentialism, and it goes into the history of this literary movement with reference to its representatives worldwide and in Romanian culture and literature. Romanian Existentialism is rigorously described from its very beginnings with the Criterion group in the 20s: there are few Existentialisms identified in the Romanian culture and a special attention is given to the main tendencies and to the characteristics of the literary works associated with Existentialism in the 30s and 40s (when we had the so-called “war generation”). After the Second World War, when Existentialism became a well-known and significant philosophical and cultural movement in the world, we may also talk about Existentialism as present in the creation of few Romanian writers reviewed in this article.

Keywords: Existentialism, existential literature, Criterion group, war generation


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