Name: Daniela Petroşel
Affiliation: Prof. univ. dr., Universitatea ,,Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava
Contact: daniela.petrosel@usm.ro
Citation Recommendation: PETROȘEL, Daniela. „Lectura textului digital şi profilul noului cititor”. RITL, New Series, XVIII, 2024, p. 92–103. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.07
Pages: 92–103
Language: Romanian
URL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2024/7_D_Petrosel.pdf
DOI: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.07
Abstract: The paper aims to identify the recurring elements ordering current theories of digital reading and to trace the profile of a new reader. The meanings of reading are synonymous here with deep reading, not hyperreading, and by digital texts we mean digital versions of a printed text, not digitally native books. The ideas developed by theorists such as Sven Birkerts, Andrew Piper, Thomas Mc Laughlin, Naomi S. Baron, etc. determine three main cores for defining digital reading: analysis of the digital medium’s features, recovery and emphasis on the physical dimension of the act of reading, and the changes produced in the comprehension of the text. A nostalgic tone is used along with a critical one, and the roles of reading and of the reader are outlined in relation to the broader background of understanding both the changes of knowledge models and the impact of new technologies on society.
Keywords: digital reading, deep reading, reader, comprehension, Posthumanism
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