Name: Andrei Bulboacă-Trif
Affiliation: Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din București
Contact: bulboacă_andrei@yahoo.com
Citation Recommendation: BULBOACĂ-TRIF, Andrei. „Relevanța criticii literare în epoca digitalizării”. RITL, New Series, XVIII, 2024, p. 104-110. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.08
Pages: 104-110
Language: Romanian
URL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2024/8_A_Bulboca-Trif.pdf
DOI: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.08
Abstract: In the age of continuous digitization, literary criticism is evolving, but at the same time at a standstill. This paper aims to answer a question that may arise in the minds of many literary critics, and, why not, also of students or teachers: is criticism still relevant today in an age of advanced technology? Does anyone still have the patience and openness to go through it? The speed and volume of information can very easily undermine the rigor of critical, serious analysis, because the public can more easily get their information from social networks. When we want to buy or read other people’s opinions about a book, do we focus our attention on online reviewers, „booktubers” or „booktokers”, or do we read relevant reviews? If we observe carefully, we will see that on many covers of books released in bookstores appear small phrases from literary chronicles, published in various publications, both literary and not only. Unfortunately, in the Romanian area, such an analysis happens quite rarely, or if it takes place, the criticism is in a kind of bubble of its own, without opening up to ordinary readers. So, in the age of the internet and social media, how could we bring literary criticism closer to new audiences, and how could we make it more relevant?
Keywords: Digitization, Literary criticism, Technology, Evolution, Social media
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