Name: Corina-Ionela Soare
Affiliation: Masterand, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din București
Contact: corina.soare63@gmail.com
Citation Recommendation: SOARE, Corina-Ionela. „Modelul «tranziție» și tranzitivitatea”. RITL, New Series, XVIII, 2024, p. 209–226. doi: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.19
Pages: 209–226
Language: Romanian
URL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2024/19_C_I_Soare.pdf
DOI: 10.59277/ritl.2024.18.19
Abstract: This study analyzes and compares the stylistic stages of George Bacovia’s poetry in relation to the perspectives that have influenced the reception of his work and the main trends in which his lyricism has been categorized. The analysis focuses on the evolution of the construction methods of poetic discourse, representations of the self, thematic cores, and how the influences of other poetics are reflected in Bacovian poetry. Despite the mutations and numerous reconfigurations it has undergone, Bacovia’s lyrical universe, with all its theses and antitheses, represents a cohesive whole. In his poetry, George Bacovia becomes a sort of homo faber: by adopting and juxtaposing traits from poetics that are often in opposition, the poet relativizes conventions, creating a unique formula of his own.
Keywords: George Bacovia, Bacovianism, modernity, self-representation, contingency
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