👤Author Name: Alexandra Ciocârlie 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra. „Hanibal, un dușman «exemplar» (glose pe marginea Istoriilor lui Titus Livius”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 329-339Titlul: HANIBAL, UN DUȘMAN «EXEMPLAR» (GLOSE PE MARGINEA ISTORIILOR LUI TITUS LIVIUSTitre: HANIBAL, UN ENNEMI EXEMPLAIRE (GLOSSES EN MARGE DES HISTOIRES DE TITE-LIVE)Pages: 329-339Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/21_A_Ciocarlie.pdf Résumé: Les Romains s’auto-définissent comme des êtres civilisés par contraste avec ceux qu’ils tiennent pour des barbares inférieures; parmi ces derniers se trouvant, en représentants emblématiques, les Carthaginois. Le plus important historien latin qui s’est penché sur les relations tensionnées entre Rome et Carthage, Tite-Live offre une image édifiante des ennemis héréditaires de son peuple. Loin d’être neutre, Ab urbe condita, axée sur l’opposition fraus Punica / fides Romana, semble représenter une démonstration pathétique de l’idée que Rome a toujours lutté loyalement contre un adversaire perfide. Auteur ayant une évidente vision moralisatrice sur l’histoire, Tite-Live soutient inconditionnellement l’idée que la justice a été du côté de ses compatriotes, fait confirmé même par le résultat de la guerre. En présentant les antagonistes engagés dans une lutte mémorable à vie et à mort, l’historien se situe affectivement du côté des Romains. Cependant, il ne se contente…
👤Author Name: Oana Soare 📄Article Citation Recommendation: SOARE, Oana. „Noi şi neobarbarii (poziţia lui Petru Dumitriu în cadrul disputei în jurul «modernismului»)”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 313-328Titlul: NOI ŞI NEOBARBARII (POZIŢIA LUI PETRU DUMITRIU ÎN CADRUL DISPUTEI ÎN JURUL „MODERNISMULUI“)Title: US AND THE NEOBARBARIANS (PETRU DUMITRIU’S POSITION WITHIN THE DISPUTE AROUND MODERNISM)Pages: 313-328Language: RomanianURL : https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/20_O_Soare.pdf Abstract: In the following article we present Petru Dumitriu’s journalism between 1956/1958 in order to place him in the time debate about modernism. The writer has a paradoxal position. Being included in general and exterior lines of Kemenov’s direction, and, consequently, of the Gazeta literara, the writer’s journalism is very different, in its depth, both from Steaua position and the antirevisionism of Crohmalniceanu. Like Calinescu, Petru Dumitriu chose the clasicism, considered „the supreme style of writing”.
👤Author Name: Ileana MihăilăAffiliation: Université de Bucarest 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MIHĂILĂ, Ileana. „«Organiser un Elysee»: l’histoire du concours de l’an IX”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 287-312Titre: «ORGANISER UN ELYSEE»: L’HISTOIRE DU CONCOURS DE L’AN IXTitle: «ORGANIZING AN ELYSEE»Pages: 287-312Language: FrenchURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/19_I_Mihaila.pdf
👤Author Name: Simona Galațchi 📄Article Citation Recommendation: GALAȚCHI, Simona. „Knowledge and Transformation in Ioan Petru Culianuʼs Literature”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 263-286Title: KNOWLEDGE AND TRANSFORMATION IN IOAN PETRU CULIANUʼS LITERATUREPages: 263-286Language: EnglishURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/18_S_Galatchi.pdf
👤Author Name: Laurențiu Hanganu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: HANGANU, Laurențiu. „Poetică și ornamentică”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 251-261Titlul: POETICĂ ȘI ORNAMENTICĂTitle: POETICS AND ORNAMENTICSPages: 251-261Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/17_L_Hanganu.pdf Abstract: The study discusses the relationship between poetry and ornamentation in the light of Baudelaire’s theory of correspondences. Starting from the title of Edgar Poe’s volume, The Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque, Baudelaire notices that the two art motifs are an illustration of the dual nature of modern poetry, which is simultaneously harmonious and dissonant. At the same time, the poetic phrase has the sinuous course of the arabesque line, proving that poetry is a palimpsest of all artistic expression. The kinship of poetry and ornamentation, which transcends Lessing’s opposition between arts of time and arts of space, is the archetype of Baudelaire’s correspondences, which restores at the phantasy level a lost plenitude — a completeness still present in the form of the medieval manuscript.
👤Author Name: Évanghélia SteadAffiliation: CNRS, UMR 7171, Universitatea din Reims 📄Article Citation Recommendation: STEAD, Évanghélia. „Noua Şeherezadă, maşina ficțională şi lectura încrucişată: Théophile Gautier, Edgar Allan Poe şi Nicolae Davidescu”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 237-249, translation: Cristina BalinteTitlul: NOUA ŞEHEREZADĂ, MAŞINA FICȚIONALĂ ŞI LECTURA ÎNCRUCIŞATĂ: THÉOPHILE GAUTIER, EDGAR ALLAN POE ŞI NICOLAE DAVIDESCUTitle: THE NEW SEHEREZAD, FICTIONAL MACHINE AND CROSS-READING: THÉOPHILE GAUTHIER, EDGAR ALLAN POE AND NICOLAE DAVIDESCUPages: 237-249Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/16_E_Stead.pdf
👤Author Name: Andrei Nestorescu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: NESTORESCU, Andrei. „Kogălniceanu în corespondență («…cea mai trainică operă a lui Kogălniceanu…»)”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 213-236Titlul: KOGĂLNICEANU ÎN CORESPONDENȚĂ („…CEA MAI TRAINICĂ OPERĂ A LUI KOGĂLNICEANU…”)Title: M. KOGĂLNICEANU IN CORRESPONDENCE (”… KOGĂLNICEANUʼS MOST DURABLE WORK…”)Pages: 213-236Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/15_A_Nestorescu.pdf Abstract: Mihail Kogălniceanu is rediscovered as a writer in his vast and picturesque correspondence. The vocabulary in these numerous letters is archaic but disposes of a peculiar fragrance. Encompassing a period of over fifty-seven years, this correspondence brings testimony about the western realities of those times, contrasted to the Moldavian ones. In this way, it can be taken as a document about the habits and ideals of the 1848 generation.
👤Author Name: Nicolae Mecu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MECU, Nicolae. „Cuvânt la redeschidere”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 207-211Titlul: CUVÂNT LA REDESCHIDERETitle: A WORD IN REOPENINGPages: 207-211Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/14_N_Mecu.pdf Abstract: This article reopens The Edition Chronicle Column. I review the editing of the classical Romanian writers after 1989, and address discussion about the requirements of that work in the present times, timeframe without ideological pressures and censorship. In the second part of the article I am revealing my opinion about the norms and the needs for the editing on one hand, the status of the editor in our cultural times on the other.
👤Author Name: Lucian Chişu, Rodica Condria Sagaidac, Petruş Costea, Cristina Deutsch, Magdalena Dragu, Laurenţiu Hanganu, Alexandru Farcaş, Mariana Ionescu (director de proiect), Andrei Milca, Mihaela Poncea, Alexandra Safta, Oana Soare. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CHIȘU Lucian et al. „Cronologia vieții literare românești 1944-1964 (I)”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 159-205Titlul: CRONOLOGIA VIEȚII LITERARE ROMÂNEȘTI 1944-1964 (I)Title: ROMANIAN LITERARY LIFE’S CHRONOLOGY 1944-1964 (I)Pages: 159-205Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/13_Dosar.pdf
👤Author Name: Dumitru Micu 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MICU, Dumitru. „Proletcultismul (I)”. In: RITL, New Series, XLIV, No. 1-4, January-December 2007, p. 149-158Titlul: PROLETCULTISMUL (I)Title: THE PROLETCULTISM (I)Pages: 149-158Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2007/12_D_Micu.pdf Abstract: Considering the implications of ”proletcultist” (the cult of proletarian values) literature, we can notice that proletcultism has in common with the vanguard currents the programmatic request of destroying libraries, museums and universities. That is everything related to academic tradition. But, nonetheless, there is a difference between the Romanian ”proletcultism” and the Soviet one. Communism in Russia was more aesthetic-infused, being accepted non-proletarian inspiration also.