👤Author Name: Ileana MihăilăAffiliation: Université de Bucarest 📄Article Citation Recommendation: MIHĂILĂ, Ileana. „Les Roumains et la mer noire à la fin du XVIII e siècle”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 291-302.Titre: LES ROUMAINS ET LA MER NOIRE À LA FIN DU XVIII E SIÈCLEPages: 291-302Language: FrenchURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/21_I_Mihaila.pdf
👤Author Name: Magdalena StoicescuAffiliation: Doctorandă, Universitatea din București. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: STOICESCU, Magdalena. „Simion Mehedinți (1868–1962) într-un manuscris inedit din 1934”.In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 257–290.Titlul: SIMION MEHEDINȚI (1868–1962) ÎNTR-UN MANUSCRIS INEDIT DIN 1934Title: SIMION MEHEDINȚI (1868–1962), IN AN UNEDITED MANUSCRIPT FROM 1934Pages: 257–290Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/20_M_Stoicescu.pdf Abstract: This article focuses on an unpublished manuscript of Simion Mehedinţi from 1934 which can be consulted at the Romanian Academy Library. The manuscript covers the school years of Simion Mehedinţi from the Seminary attended in Roman up to Sfântul Sava High School of Bucharest. Keywords: manuscript, Simion Mehedinţi, unpublished, seminary, 1934
👤Author Name: Laurențiu HanganuAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: HANGANU, Laurențiu. „Dicţionarul general al literaturii române – enciclopedie a literaturii și culturii naționale”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 247–256.Titlul: DICŢIONARUL GENERAL AL LITERATURII ROMÂNE – ENCICLOPEDIE A LITERATURII ȘI CULTURII NAȚIONALETitle: THE GENERAL DICTIONARY OF ROMANIAN LITERATURE – AN ENCICLOPEDIA OF THE NATIONAL LITERATURE AND CULTUREPages: 247-256Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/19_L_Hanganu.pdf Abstract: The most comprehensive, representative and imposing lexicographic work of the Romanian literary history and criticism, the General Dictionary of Romanian Literature is a real encyclopedia of our national literature and culture. An encyclopedia made by augmenting the interpretative and informational data (articles on authors, editors, translators, literary publications, institutions etc.) with synthetic studies on literary and cultural movements that contributed in an essential way to the process of defining and structuring the Romanian literature as literature. Having as its pillars the great personalities of M. Eminescu, I.L. Caragiale, Ion Creangă, Tudor Arghezi, Mihail Sadoveanu, Camil Petrescu, Nichita Stănescu, Marin Preda – but also those of Eugen Ionescu, Emil Cioran and Mircea Eliade – the General Dictionary of Romanian Literature represents an invaluable thesaurus of Romanian culture…
👤Author Name: George NeagoeAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: NEAGOE, George. „Secularizarea şi naţionalizarea unui topos clasic: locus amoenus, Dimitrie Bolintineanu – Traianida”.In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 235-245.Titlul: SECULARIZAREA ŞI NAŢIONALIZAREA UNUI TOPOS CLASIC: LOCUS AMOENUS, DIMITRIE BOLINTINEANU – TRAIANIDATitle: THE SECULARIZATIONS AND NATIONALIZATION OF A CLASSIC TOPOS: LOCUS AMOENUS, DIMITRIE BOLINTINEANU – TRAIANIDAPages: 235-245Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/18_G_Neagoe.pdf Abstract: In this study, we propose for analysis a topos of the classical literature – locus amoenus – treated in a romantic vision, based on the national epopee Traianida by Dimitrie Bolintineanu. The refuge in the past does not mean so much nostalgia, but especially the transformation of missing values in distant times – such as patriotism and heroism – into alternatives to the desolate present. Locus amoenus is conceived according to nation’s the needs, in fact the concept by which romantic intellectuals try to provide the optimal answers to the dilemmas, anxieties and problems of the community. The past receives utopian valence. The freedom and dignity of the Dacians, the mythical aura of the rulers like Decebalus and the respect that Dacia imposed on the Roman Empire are…
👤Author Name: Raluca DunăAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DUNĂ, Raluca. „Neli Cornea: o scriitoare necunoscută și jurnalui ei de război”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 225–233.Titlul: NELI CORNEA: O SCRIITOARE NECUNOSCUTĂ ȘI JURNALUI EI DE RĂZBOITitle: NELI CORNEA: AN UNKNOWN WRITER AND HER DIARYPages: 225–233Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/17_R_Duna.pdf Abstract: The article considers the work and biography of an unknown Romanian writer, Neli Cornea, totally unknown in the history of Romanian literature. It considers the context of the female autobiographical literature inspired by First World War in Romania, especially the model of the literature written and published by Queen Marie of Romania during the war. The tipology of this literature is double, private and public, sometimes written as a diary but meant to be published in periodicals which encouraged people to resist during the war. In Notes from the War (A Diary), by Neli Cornea, diary writing and memorial writing mix, temporal perspectives and ideological messages change, as the author tries to express herself, but also to offer a model for other women. She puts down her own war experiences, but she also voices a war ideology…
👤Author Name: Alexandru DumitriuAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: DUMITRIU, Alexandru. „Romanul Arhanghelii și «epoca de aur» a mineritului din Țara Moților”.In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 199–224.Titlul: ROMANUL ARHANGHELII ȘI „EPOCA DE AUR” A MINERITULUI DIN ȚARA MOȚILORTitle: THE NOVEL ARHANGHELII IN THE GOLDEN AGE ON MININGPages: 199–224Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/16_A_Dumitriu.pdf Abstract: This study is part of a more thorough research paper, dedicated to a literary history of the Romanian mining. The organization of the paper is one based on “stratification”, starting from an industrial geography which trigerred a prosperous cultural and literary geography. Thus, the research paper will focus on the areas where a mining tradition developed, later on to be “imported” into literature. Such a territory is Țara Moților. The writer who established this topos is Ion Agârbiceanu, in his novel The Archangels from 1913–1914, the first literary work of such magnitude dedicated to the Romanian mining. The novel was initially published in instalments, in the “Luceafărul” literary magazine (Sibiu) in 1913. As a book, it was published in 1914, also in Sibiu. The novel homogenizes several approaches: mythological and ethnographic, parabolic (here, in its…
👤Author Name: Alexandra CiocârlieAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra. „Properțiu, între elegia erotică și elegia civică”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 401-411.Titlul: PROPERȚIU, ÎNTRE ELEGIA EROTICĂ ȘI ELEGIA CIVICĂTitre: PROPERTIUS, ENTRE L’ÉLÉGIE LYRIQUE ET ÉROTIQUEPages: 401-411Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/28_A. Ciocarlie.pdf Résumé: Consacré comme auteur d’élégies érotiques, Properce cultive dans ses premiers recueils une poésie des plaisirs. Il ne se sent pas en mesure à célébrer des thèmes épiques et il résiste aux injonctions de Mécène d’écrire des poèmes héroïques solennels. Mais le temps passe et il finit par se plier aux exigences. Le poète de l’amour libre se résigne à plaider pour la famille conservatrice et les valeurs morales promues par l’empereur Auguste. Le changement d’attitude se fait sentir surtout dans le dernier volume de Properce, consacré aux lieux sacrées de Rome et aux traditions nationales. Les élégies d’amour ont cédé la place aux poèmes civiques proches de l’idéologie officielle de l’époque. Mots-clés: Properce, Auguste, élégie érotique, poème civique. Bibliography: Bardon, Henry, Les empereurs et les lettres latines d’Auguste à Hadrien, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1940. Martin, René, Gaillard, Jacques, Les Genres littéraires à Rome,…
👤Author Name: Oana Safta 📄Article metadata Citation Recommendation: SAFTA, Oana. „Alternanțe critice: Pompiliu Constantinescu – Cezar Petrescu”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 185–190.Titlul: ALTERNANȚE CRITICE: POMPILIU CONSTANTINESCU – CEZAR PETRESCUTitre: ALTERNANCES CRITIQUES: POMPILIU CONSTANTINESCU – CEZAR PETRESCUPages: 185-190Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/14_O_Safta.pdf Résumé: L’article ci-dessus analyse ponctuellement, par des exemples concrets, la perspective critique de Pompiliu Constantinescu par rapport aux écrits de Cezar Petrescu. Il faut souligner dans cette direction le changement d’attitude, la tournure dès louanges du début vers les critiques parsemées par des notes intransigeantes et mêmes acides, qui accompagneront plus tard la littérature d’un écrivain très populaire à l’époque. C’est un cas singulier alors que Pompiliu Constantinescu était connu pour l’intuition et l’équilibre dont il faisait preuve dans ses raisonnements critiques. Mots-clés: prose, attitude critique, Pompiliu Constantinescu, Cezar Petrescu, presse.
👤Author Name: Cristina BalinteAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: BALINTE, Cristina. „«Pe marginea cărţilor». Mihai Ralea şi etica lecturii scriitorilor străini”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 173–184.Titlul: „PE MARGINEA CĂRŢILOR”. MIHAI RALEA ŞI ETICA LECTURII SCRIITORILOR STRĂINITitle: “ASIDE THE BOOKS”. MIHAI RALEA AND THE ETHICS OF READING FOREIGN WRITERSPages: 173-184Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/13_C_Balinte.pdf
👤Author Name: Alexandru FarcașAffiliation: Institutul de Istorie și Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu” al Academiei Române. 📄Article Citation Recommendation: FARCAȘ, Alexandru. „Imaginea periferiei în proza lui Vasile Demetrius”. In: RITL, New Series, XIII, No. 1-4, January-December 2019, p. 165-171.Titlul: IMAGINEA PERIFERIEI ÎN PROZA LUI VASILE DEMETRIUSTitle: THE WORLDS OF PERIPHERY IN THE FICTION OF VASILE DEMETRIUSPages: 165-171Language: RomanianURL: https://ritl.ro/pdf/2019/12_A_Farcas.pdf Abstract: This paper aims to showcase one of the two ways to imagine Bucharest suburbs active in the fiction before the Great War. Based on the narrative strategies of Naturalism, V. Demetrius’ „sympathetic” approach, draping up in tragedy the economic realities of life in the new industrial peripheries, appears to us as basically opposed to I.L. Caragiale’s critical perspective, more focused on the moral and psychological issues of the marginal milieux. Keywords: periphery, slum, reality, tragedy, Naturalism. Bibliography: Aderca, Felix, Mărturia unei generaţii, Bucureşti, Editura pentru Literatură, 1967. Aristotel, Poetica, II, 1448a, Studiu introductiv, traducere şi comentarii de D.M. Pippidi, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei, 1965. Cioculescu, Șerban, Caragialiana, București, Editura Eminescu, 1987. Demetrius, V., Scrieri alese, I (Nuvele), II (Romane), ediție îngrijită, prefață și note de Margareta Feraru, București, Editura pentru Literatură, 1967. Grigorescu, Dan; Alexandrescu, Sorin, Romanul realist în secolul al XIX-lea,…